Bell Ringing Group

Bell ropesSt Mark’s is blessed with a wonderful sounding peel of bells which have a bit of history of their own. The bells are referred to as “The Victory Bells” as they are the first peel of new bells cast after the end of the Second World War.

A lot of towers have long standing members of the bell ringing team who have been ringing since they were young, but unfortunately for some reason, the St Mark’s team disbanded some time in the 1980s. However, in 1998 the Guild of Ringers encouraged all churches with bells to have a team of ringers available to ring in the new Millennium, so a new team of ringers for St Mark’s was dutifully assembled. After many months of monotonous noise, a number of rope burns and accidents, the team were able to ring the bells unaided, and at the designated time on 1st January 2000, St Mark’s bell ringers joined many other teams around the country to ring in the new Millennium.

Bell ringersSince then, a number of ringers have come and gone but some of the original group are still involved. David Roberts is the tower captain and looks after the administration of the team and is the official point of contact. Les Cope is the assistant tower captain. He looks after the day to day activities and trains new ringers in his own cool and calm way. David Earl conducts the ringing and ensures there are ringers available for weddings. The current team practice each Wednesday evening and ring regularly on Sunday mornings and at weddings when requested.

Some teams take ringing very seriously but at St Mark’s we feel that the social side is as important as the ringing. We end practice nights with a cup of tea and a chat. It would be great if more people would get involved in what we see as using our talents for the benefit of the church. Please email us if you want any more information, or come along on a Wednesday evening and we will be pleased to give you a taste of what is involved.

Each of the bells has an inscription which forms part of the casting. They are as follows:

No. 1: Presented by Bredbury At Mark’s Rangers, Guides and Brownies “Be Prepared”
No. 2: In Memory of Sarah Ann Greaves
No. 3: Presented by Bredburu C.D. Wardens’ Service – “Nisi Dominus Frustra”
No. 4: Presented by Ralph and Beatrice Marsden – “Ring out the thousand years of war, Ring in the thousand years of peace.”
No. 5: In Memory of Thomas Harrison
No. 6: To Remember Walter and Eleanor Mountain
No. 7: Presented by Exors. Of James Mills Ltd. – “Fear God – Honour the King”
No. 8. Presented by the Congregation of St Mark’s, Bredbury – “Te Deum Laudamus”


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