Joining a team at St Mark’s is the best way to play your part in our vision and to be part of the church family.
There are opportunities to get involved in every area of the church’s life on a Sunday and throughout the week, and to use your gifts and skills to help build God’s kingdom. No matter your age or experience, there’s a team that you can join, serving alongside others and getting to know others in the church.
We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by Trussell, working to combat poverty and hunger. We open our foodbank every Tuesday to help all those going through tough times with the provision of emergency food parcels and support.

CAP Life Skills
CAP Life Skills equips people with the confidence, decision making and practical skills needed to live on a low income. Sessions in the group cover budgeting, money saving, cooking tips, wellbeing skills, and how to relate well to others.

Early Intervention
For one hour each week, volunteer coaches from St Mark’s church work with children in a local school on a one-to-one basis to listen to and champion them, while supporting them through any issues they may be facing.

Graveyard Gang
This group meets on Monday and Tuesday morning each week to do practical work in the churchyard and the wider community. Come along and learn some new skills, make some new friends, and enjoy lots of cups of tea together!

Being part of the Music and Tech Team is about leading the church in praising God together. Whether you have musical gifts, a passion for lighting and visuals, or an ear for mixing sound, we’d love to have you on board!

The Kids and Youth Teams have the great privilege of journeying alongside our young people as they encounter Jesus and grow into the amazing people God has made them to be. If you’re up for plenty of fun and laughter this is the team for you!