Worship Team

The worship group plays each Sunday in our services and rehearses every Tuesday evening. It is always open to new members.

Sung worship plays a central role in the life of St Mark’s, and at the 10.30am service this is usually led by the church music group.

The last few years have produced some truly magnificent worship and praise songs – songs that allow the church to gather together for powerful contemporary expression of the truths and the joy of the Christian faith.  It is these songs, together with some of the classic traditional hymns that so many people have grown up with, which form the repertoire of songs used in our services.

Practising together weekly, and comprising varying combinations of singers, guitars, keyboard, bass and percussion, the music group is motivated by a desire for St Mark’s to be a place where inspirational worship and a powerful experience of the love of God go hand in hand. “Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name” the Bible tells us (Psalm 30:4; English Standard Version), and through lively and uplifting worship times this is exactly what the music group is there to help the church do!



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